Babywise II, Toddlerwise and Childwise are part of this series.The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, was awesome.For the most part the principals are timeless and good to have whatever age your kids are.
Babywise is the best book I can recommend for little bitty babies. It is all about putting baby on a schedule. A mom shared "My girls sleep 12 hours at night and they are great nappers and I owe all of that to Babywise. A well rested child is so much easier to deal with than one who isn't! That allows me to put the Pearls' principals into action so much easier."
To Train Up a Child and the No Greater Joy I, II, and III. One mom writes: "By far the best and most important book on child training. We get their newsletter too which is an awesome resource and I think I had read every article theywrote long before we had kids and I have seen many times in my mommy life that I am glad I did. They are written by the same people who wrote the Created to be His Help Meet book (there is a husband version coming out soon) They really emphasize that you have to train your kids to do what you want, not just wait until they fail and then punish them for it."
The Baby Whisperer: A mother of two writes: Similar message to Baby Wise about getting your baby on a routine and sleeping through the night. I've had two very different babies and they were both sleeping through the night around 6 weeks. It really works, your life does not have to be chaos with a baby :)
You can go to their website and sign up to receive their newsletter, it is free.
Reading Wish List by these moms, but yet to be reviewed are the following books:
Shepherding a Child's Heart:
A Mother's Heart: A Look at Values, Vision and Character for the Christian Mother
No Ordinary Home: The Uncommon Art of Christ-Centered Homemaking
Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches